Thursday, February 04, 2010

The Law of balance

This law comes in many names :

Win win scenarios are created  in every aspect of  reallity
some in long others on short
amounts of linear time
( the way we aprehend time in our
density / vibration is linear wich actually comes as a result
to our response on gravity ) see older posts for the vid :p

Law of conservation / transformation / balance of energy
this one comes
from physics and is prouven right from all and i mean all scientists

The law of love , love never destroys only creates or transforms
all of the teachers or ascended beeings/masters
ho walked this earth talked
about love your self , family, neighbour , spieces and the list goes on
to infinity .

Observation :
Black and white , yin and yang , male female ;)
Wich lead to us to false conlusions at first , meaning that we see
in our vibration everything in polarity mode .
For every black and white there is gray , between up and down there
is midle , balance is what creates bounderys so with out it there is nothing
and balance is all that matters in reality and the point in wich all tends to go

Recent discovery's  from the unified field theory .

Every day life ^^

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