Thursday, February 04, 2010

Best proof out there about ET presence .

This video is showing us that :

-Not only why are not
alone , but there is so many lifeforms out there we cant
even begin to count them ^^
This is easy to prove statistically speaking but it looks best
on video as always :)

-We are in the top 3 cosmic event's out there and every
time we launch something people all over the stars come
in to take photos , souvenirs , take footage for there history
channel , and break our multi million satellites so cameras
will be pointed at them for all eyes to see ( this is very
helpful in order to awake awernese on the planet ) .

-We have seen NASA ( Never A Straight Answer )
covering things in the past , lets hope that this video will
be in the top 10 video proofs made in youtube that will wake
people up , and hope that you will send this one to your friends

-From the way crafts come and go we can guess , well rather
confirm the theory telling us 3 things.

a.We see crafts materilage in and out of our dimension , wich means
that there must be multiple ones and they vibrate in another / higher
vibration / dimension than us .

b.they are not visible to the human eye because we donut see
in ultraviolet like serpents and insects , so they must be using a
cloak devise like the Klingon WarBirds or the Romulans wich
is pretty low tech leaving heat passing throw :D

c.very often when one gets out immediately another one kicks in
so our density is looking pretty plenty now days , maybe this is
only the 0,0000000001% or more of what is really out there in
all times xD

-Someone must one day send them the bill or stop spending tax payers
money on crap tech used to keep us sleeping and far away from
the real tech NASA using behind the scenes + other company's
and the military .

-Tech NASA uses and all the black ops projects include stuff
like free energy , zero point energy , electrogravitics
revolutionary propulsion systems and time travel ( dont yell at me
this fields all use the same principle ,same car different color )
that our planet needs desperately in order to survive the next
3 years not mentioning the people , fauna and flora on Earth .

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