Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Inspired topic found on ATS

The Webbot told us that by middle of November there will be a tipping point - a real game-changer. While many of us were not really seeing what the November tipping point really could have been - or if there was any such event after all... I believe the latest Wikileaks release has brought us the tipping point!! Ok - it seems to have been a little late compared to the prediction. But who said that the tipping point would be visible instantly? I believe the decisions that lead to this release HAVE been made by middle of November. So after all the prediction was very accurate! But the "real" tipping point was "invisible" to us at that time.

The idea of Wikileaks is now once and for all installed in our society, in our heads and in our hearts. It has incredible potenial yet to unfold. I'm pretty sure it will never be removed again - it cannot be! This is the start of the disclosure process that we all have been waiting for so long. It is rather different compared to many of our fantasies of how it could happen. But this is it.

It does not really matter who Julian Assange really is and what he did. It does not even matter who leaks information. The key is - as I once stated here in the forum - the SPIRIT that comes with these actions. There will be more such platforms in the very near future. And there will be a growing number of people supporting this process. Also more and more people who keep secrets will finally show them to the world as this is THE chance to do so.

It's only a question of time when the UFO topic will be a major topic of this process. Although Julian Assange already stated that indeed there ARE references to UFOs in the documents yet to be released these references will not be full UFO disclosure yet. But it's a beginning. It shows the potential of such releases and may (I think WILL) encourage secret keepers to come forward pretty soon. The good stuff will follow.

Maybe it's Wikileaks, maybe another platform of this kind which will leak the final UFO bomb... it's only a question of months, maybe weeks, maybe even days... we'll see.

These words are always in my mind these days:


Yes we do.

Big things will unfold soon. I believe this is the final fight of the "white hats" vs the "black hats"...
All my prayers go out to finally free us all once and forever from the "dark cabal"!!

I will support this process whereever I can.


What do you think?


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